
note garden & zettelkasten


seed statuses:

πŸŒ±Β β€” sprout; non-refined ideas πŸͺ΄Β β€” bud; refining, work in progress πŸŒ²Β β€” evergreen; completed piece

interests = ["productmanagement", "creativity", "softwaredevelopment", "complexsystems", "design", "machinelearning", "philosophy"]

if any(interest in seed for interest in interests):

technical reflections:

πŸͺ΄field notes of a new developerπŸͺ΄maggie appleton’s philosophy to designing LLM products🌲timeline optimization🌲computer as typewriter🌱how i learn something new🌱what is this digital garden?

personal essays (also on substack):

🌲sandcastles🌲solitude, love, and purpose